Episodes tagged with “teams”

Multiple Commitments and Multitasking in Agile Organizations and Teams

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss the why organizations commit people to multiple projects and why individuals fall for the traps of multitasking in agile.

October 02, 2013


Asking For Help, The Low Cost, High Value Action Your Organization Is Missing

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss the low cost but high value of asking for help.

September 24, 2013


Building Great Products Requires Presence Over Planning

The Agile Weekly crew and Jim McCarthy discuss what it means to be human. That prioritizing presence over planning helps in building great products.

September 18, 2013


How To Deal With People Who Constantly Are To Slowing Things Down

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss how culture affects ability to make decisions. Why people like to slow things down to get comfortable and how to deal with people who want to slow things down.

September 04, 2013


High Performance Teams And Having Fun At Work

The Agile Weekly Crew and David Foster discuss having fun at work and how culture affects it.

August 28, 2013


Commitment Considered Harmful?

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss an article, Commitment Considered Harmful by Allan Kelly.

July 24, 2013


Sprint Failure, How To Use It As A Learning Mechanism

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss what failing a sprint means and how a team should react.

July 10, 2013


High Costs and Negative Value of Pair Programming

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss the harm of hypothesis that pair programming is high cost and negative.

July 03, 2013


7 Agile Best Practices that You Don’t Need to Follow

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss an article 7 Agile Best Practices that You Don’t Need to Follow.

June 19, 2013


Inspiring Personal Growth in Agile Teams

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss what individual growth looks like on a team in an Agile organization.

June 12, 2013


What Makes A Senior Developer On An Agile Team

The Agile Weekly Crew and David Foster discuss what it means to be a senior software developer.

May 28, 2013


Using The Decider Protocol and Presence To Limit Revisiting Decisions

The Agile Weekly Crew discuss why teams revisit decisions and use of the decider protocol.

May 15, 2013
